Histocracy--Coined from the Greek words histein, weight, and kratos, power. A system wherein the votes of each citizen
are weighted in power based on their past voting and their certainty about the correct decision.
Histocratic Republic--Coined to imply continuity with the Democratic Republic. A nation or organization where some
decisions are made using the histocracy system.
M-Committee--Stands for mimnêskô, Greek for memory. The random 10% that casts unweighted votes on a referendums efficacy
two years after it is passed or defeated by the S-Committee.
S-Committee--Stands for sumprogignôskô, Greek for predictive consensus. The random 90% that casts weighted votes
on whether to pass a referendum.
Email me.
I'm interested in critique of these terms. I thought I'd use Greek words for the same reason Washington, D.C. uses Greek
architecture. If there's a better choice out there, send it to brightand@loveable.com
A note on apostrophes: Tripod sometimes edits them out. I apologize for the grating feeling this will cause, as I apologize
for the ads. At some point I hope to move out.